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2024年4月9日中多建交「六周年」暨多明尼加共和國經濟文化交流促進會「第六屆」就職典禮,謝謝今天出席的嘉賓、好朋友及各會員以順利圓滿成功。(Part 3)

2024年4月9日中多建交「六周年」暨多明尼加共和國經濟文化交流促進會「第六屆」就職典禮,謝謝今天出席的嘉賓、好朋友及各會員以順利圓滿成功。(Part 2)

2024年4月9日中多建交「六周年」暨多明尼加共和國經濟文化交流促進會「第六屆」就職典禮,謝謝今天出席的嘉賓、好朋友及各會員以順利圓滿成功。(Part 1)

2024年3月21日與本會榮譽主席Pony Cheng拜訪多明尼加領事館,向總領事匯報4月9日舉辦「慶祝中多建交6周年暨本會就職典禮」晚宴的安排事宜。



2024年1月22日到「中華人民共和國外交部駐香港特別行政區特派員公署」遞交信件, 堅持一個中國原則和"九二共識",堅決反對一切"台獨"行徑。


2023年12月11日,祝賀由「本會支持」的以下人士在12月10日順利當選香港特區政府第七屆區議員: 陳偉坤先生、柯創盛先生: 楊諾軒先生、甘文鋒先生: 阮建中先生、陳文偉先生: 蘇嘉雯小姐、鄺文迪先生。


Message from Chief Honorary President, Mr. Hipolito Mejia

AICCDC, founded and registered in Hong Kong in 2011, is a very important civil society organization. The foundation of this association came with great significance.

AICCDC not only enhances the companionship between China and Dominican Republic, but also facilitates the economic activities between the states, resulting in a win-win situation.I sincerely thank for the China Government and HKSAR Government, and congratulate to the founding of AICCDC.

Mr. Hipolito Mejia
President of Dominican Republic, 2000.8-2004.8

Objectives and Purposes of AICCDC’s establishment

AICCDC positioned itself as the promoter and coordinator of those economic, cultural and investment activities between China and Dominican Republic. As a non-profit, civil society organization, AICCDC aimed to provide members with commercial services and supports, assist them to be successful in these activities. AICCDC is an organization of outmost importance, which not only support the members in various aspect, act as the communication channel between members and the governments, but also facilitates the economic development, commercial activities and investment relationship between China and Dominican Republic.


In early 2011, AICCDC officially established and registered in Hong Kong. Formerly AICCDC was a civil society organization from Dominican Republic, with a history over 20 years. Over the years, with the continuous effort from Founding President Mr. Tony Wong and Honorable President Mr. Pony Cheng, we have an excellent progress of the development of diplomatic relationship between the China Government and the Dominica Republic Government. Mr. Tony Wong and Mr. Pony Cheng keep on providing AICCDC’s member with official and non-governmental commercial information, and established the communication channels between both parties in various aspects.

The member base of AICCDC consists of those commercial leaders and enterprises from different areas of the two states. The business coverage of our members includes manufacturing, import and export trading, tourism, financial services, education, legal services, electronic information technology, machinery, constructions, transportation, mining, resources development…etc.. Our head office is located in Hong Kong, and we are planning to set up various branches in China in coming years. With enormous networks in China and Dominica Republic, AICCDC provides members with all-rounded services and immediate trade/ investment opportunities in both states. In the meantime, the board of directors established cooperative frameworks with different chambers of commerce and associations, in order to provide members with broader, more convenient and comprehensive exchange opportunities. 

With the sharing of experiences in both states by board of directors, any economic, commercial and cultural problems encountered by members can be solved. Mostly importantly, those directors can assist members in the understanding of these issues of the two states. The excellent relationship between AICCDC’s board of directors and officers/ commercial leaders from both states brings members with unlimited business opportunities and assistance.

 The broad of directors of AICCDC play an important role between the commercial, investment and cultural activities between both states. They establish the communication channels for the enterprises and investors, unlocking the door to business; enhance the mutual understanding between peoples of the two states, and further strengthen the bilateral relationships and cooperation between China and Dominican Republic.

 ACICDC advocates


-          Open Attitude


-          Inseparable Communications


-          Economic and Cultural Exchanges between both states


-          Study   and   Visit   by   Officers   from   Dominican   Republic

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